Georges River Trout Limitless: Understanding insect habits, enhance fly fishing

Georges River Trout Unlimited: Understanding insect behavior, improve fly fishing

ROCKPORT – Georges River Trout Unlimited (GRTU) welcomes Eric Frohmberg for a presentation on major categories of insect behavior such as locomotion, respiration, reproduction and development and how they relate to fly tying and fly fishing techniques. He will present categories of behaviors that can be recognized and acted upon while fishing, giving your fly fishing a competitive edge.

According to GRTU, in a press release, Frohmberg has been studying entomology since… “Well, it’s one of those things I never grew out of.”

He studied entomology at Kansas State University and Oberlin College before turning to environmental toxicology. Discovering fly fishing added a new dimension to his interest in entomology, which eventually led to his produced Angler’s Entomology podcast, in which he covers the major groups of insects and discusses their habits and behaviors that fly anglers can capitalize on – or just appreciate for their awesomeness appreciate. He is also resident entomologist at his wife’s fly shop, Selene’s Fly Shop in Gardiner.

The GRTU meeting on Monday, February 13 will be held upstairs at Maine Sport’s Fly Shop in Rockport. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. with “Trout Talk,” an informal gathering for those who wish to drop by before the presentation.

The formal meeting and featured presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m

GRTU will hold a raffle directly after the speakers.

TU membership is open to everyone. GRTU meetings are free and open to the public.

Visit GRTU on Facebook or online at

Link to Angler Entomology Podcast:

Link to Selene’s Fly Shop:

Trout Unlimited is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring the North American cold-water fishery and its watersheds.