Export Rodents to The Repbublic of Eire 8614EHC


Section A: Forms

Download the Export Health Certificate (EHC), Export Application (EXA) and other supplementary forms.

What do you have to do

You will need to complete the EHC, EXA and any other ancillary forms in Section A.

The guidance in Section B provides information for exporters and official veterinarians on export conditions and animal health controls.

Send the completed documents from Section A to: liveanimalexports.carlisle@apha.gov.uk.

What exporters in Northern Ireland need to do

Section A: Download and complete the EHC. Ignore the EXA and other supplementary forms.

Section B: Download the guide. Here you will find information for the exporter and the certification officer.

Further mandatory forms can be found in the relevant goods area on the DAERA website.

Submit completed forms via the DAERA online application system.

Always use the latest certificate

Before applying, make sure you have the most current version of the certificate as certificates are sometimes updated. The latest version is hosted on this page.

Published on February 22, 2021