Home Bed Bugs DHS points mattress bug warning amid school city move-in season

DHS points mattress bug warning amid school city move-in season

DHS issues bed bug warning amid college town move-in season

MADISON, Wisconsin (WMTV) – Before picking up a piece of furniture from the curb during this college moving-in season, Wisconsin health officials are urging people to think twice.

The Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services reminded people in a tweet Monday that while used furniture might look great in a new apartment, bed bugs are definitely not a sight to sore eyes.

The DHS found that these small, flat insects feed on both human and animal blood while they sleep. Although the bugs don’t carry diseases, they can cause a great deal of property damage and cost a pretty penny to get rid of.

The agency described bed bugs as reddish brown and about the size of President Abraham Lincoln’s head on a penny.

DHS has more information on how to prevent bed bugs and how to treat the pests on their website.

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