Consuming Bugs and ‘Local weather Lockdowns’: What the Outrageous ‘Inexperienced New Deal’ Means for Your Future


If you can’t eat insects or 3D printed fake meat, California-style power outages, and can’t fly or drive when you want, then you’re not going to like the Green New Deal.

The author of a new book called Green Fraud says the Green New Deal is even worse than you think.

Climate skeptic Marc Morano, a bestselling author who testified to Congress about climate change, says: “We were had.”

Green New Deal: Trojan horse for socialism?

“The Green New Deal and the entire climate protection agenda are not about the climate,” says Morano. “It has very little to do with the climate, the environment, and the health of the planet. It all has to do with an advanced ideology that uses the climate horrors to enforce its solutions, which are essentially authoritarian government regulations for every aspect of our lives are in the name of ‘climate fear’. “

The Green New Deal, as introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey in 2019, includes free college, universal health care and what he calls “social justice”. AOC calls it “a new national, social, industrial and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal.”

Morano calls it a Trojan horse for socialism by people who think they know better than you do.

“‘You need our help, we are experts, we have studied this, you have to listen to us. We will protect you. We will keep you at a fair level,'” says Morano of the thinking of some leaders. “And they think rule-by-expert is the way people should live because it’s better for the planet, it’s better for people.”

What kind of “climate emergency”?

The Environmental Protection Agency website states that our air is getting cleaner every year.

Statistics also show that the number of forest fires is much lower than it was decades ago.

Theoretical physicist Dr. Steve Koonin, who served in the Obama administration, recently wrote that “almost no severe weather event shows a discernible trend”.

So how is this a “climate emergency”? According to Morano, the people behind the Green New Deal love the solutions so much that they need a crisis.

“Solutions are becoming more important than science,” says Morano. “In other words, they want the solution so badly that science has to adapt to the politics of the solution they want. And here we are with climate change.”

Bugs – it’s something for dinner

And because beef gas is believed to be a leading cause of climate change, eat fewer burgers and more insects. A video from Vanity Fair of actress Nicole Kidman eating beetles is part of a new push to get Americans used to the idea.

The Green New Deal would also dictate what type of house you could live in and – IF – drive a car.

The focus is on the so-called “degrowth movement”, fewer possessions, less income, fewer hours worked.

Morano said, “If you actually cared about the environment the most, you would be doing the opposite of what the UN and the Green New Deal want to do. You would want free markets, economic prosperity, technological revolution and prosperity because these are the ones. ” cleanest environments. “

Here come “Climate Lockdowns” and “Climate Change” as the new “cause of death”

According to Morano, the COVID lockdown was an inspiration to environmental leaders who believe that if people are confined to their homes, they do less harm to the climate.

“COVID and climate are now merging,” says Morano. “COVID lockdowns will turn into climate lockdowns. Every major climate figure praised the COVID-19 government’s worldwide lockdowns.”

Morano says there is even talk among officials about listing climate change as a cause of death.

“Anyone killed in a tornado or hurricane is classified as death from climate change. You could die from organ failure or cancer, and you could put climate change as the cause of death on your death certificate. This is the madness we are on descend, “says Morano.

Another goal is 100 percent renewable energy, which so far has proven to be the recipe for power outages.

The Green New Deal is not a law, but the inspiration for a variety of new government policies.

And the cost of all of that? Up to $ 93 trillion.

Morano says The Green New Deal isn’t green, it’s not new, and it’s not good business for America.