Carol Hyperlink’s month-to-month Q&A on gardening


Carol Link
| Contributor

Q: I’ve never grown zinnias before, but I plan to grow them this spring. Can you tell me when and how to plant zinnia seeds?

A: Plant zinnia seeds in late April or early May. I would sow the seeds directly into the soil in the planting bed because zinnia seedlings don’t transplant well. Loosen the top inch of soil in the bed. Place each seed about an inch in the ground. Place the seeds a few inches apart.

After the seeds have germinated, remove some plants if necessary to allow the remaining plants to grow and allow plenty of air to circulate around the zinnias, preventing mold and disease from developing.

Seasonal flowers: CAROL LINK ON GARDENING: Leaves and flowers are a sign that spring is here

Summer treats: CAROL LINK ON GARDENING: Tips to Make Sure Tomato Plants Don’t Get Top Heavy

Q: I received a poinsettia for Christmas that I would like to plant in my garden. Can you tell me how to prepare the poinsettia before planting it?

A: Prune the poinsettia to two growth buds before transplanting. Water the plant when the top 3 inches of the soil feels dry. Poinsettias tend to get thin and long-legged. To keep the plant full and shapely, you need to regularly pinch the top leaves. Because poinsettias are native to Mexico, the plant will not survive our winters outdoors.

In the spring, after all threats of frost have passed, you can either transplant the poinsettia into a larger container and place the container outdoors in a sunny spot, or you can plant the poinsettia in the ground and dig it up and bring it back in a pot in the fall. The plant must be kept indoors for the winter.

Maintenance: CAROL LINK ON GARDENING: Weed control using non-chemical methods

Q: I know you’ve already answered this question, but I can’t remember when to prune my daffodil foliage.

A: Once the daffodils have stopped blooming for the season, leave the foliage intact until all of the greenery dries out and turns brown. The green is feeding the bulbs and preparing them for next season’s flowers. If you remove the foliage too early, the daffodils will not bloom next year.

Carol (Bonnie) Link is a master gardener from Etowah County and an experienced horticulturalist. Her weekly column is designed to help and encourage others with their gardening chores. Send questions or comments to