Bedbug hotline launched as France fights insect scourge


In response to this unwanted resuscitation, the French government launched a campaign against bed bugs on Thursday, which includes its own website and information hotline.

“We can all be affected,” the website says, which includes information on “strict measures” to prevent the spread of the small, flattened insects that are about the size of an apple seed.

Bedrooms and living rooms with couches are particularly at risk, and the insects prefer to live in dark areas, the website continues.

The parasites – whose scientific name is Cimex lectularius – feed on human blood and each can bite up to 90 times in a single night, creating wounds that resemble mosquito bites.

Recommended measures to prevent infestation include washing used clothing at 60 degrees Celsius or higher before wearing and cleaning used furniture with dry heat before taking it home.

According to the website, international travel and increased resistance to insecticides are responsible for animal resurgence.

Hotel guests are advised to keep their luggage on shelves rather than on the floor and to check the bed, mattress and other dark areas before using them.

Upon returning home, travelers should check for bed bugs in suitcases and vacuum their luggage before throwing away the vacuum cleaner bag.

Officials also recommend washing clothes in hot water or heating non-washable items in a tumble dryer.

The magnitude of the bug problem in Paris is so great that former mayoral candidate Benjamin Griveaux had promised to rid the city of the insects in his first 100 days in office, according to the AFP news agency.

However, after posting a sexually explicit video that he allegedly sent to his mistress, Griveaux was forced to retire from the race.

The insects became a major problem in New York around 2010, affecting homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals. City officials also launched a campaign to control the pests.

A 2017 study found that bedbugs – just like flies and other insects – have favorite colors.

They really like dark red and black, and they avoid blinding white and bright yellow.

The beetles had a long time to refine their personal taste; They have been around for more than 100 million years.

A 2019 study found that the insects roamed the earth with dinosaurs but likely did not feed on dinosaur blood because the ancient animals had no “home” for bedbugs to live in.