Assist Cease Bees, Butterflies, and Different Bugs From Dying


Insects are in danger. Researchers have found that some insect populations could decline by a third within a few decades. To put this number in perspective: a third of all polar bears should be dead in 40 years. The insect crisis is just as severe as the polar bear crisis, and scientists are urging the public to act now.

Just like bears and humans, insects want to be free from suffering and pain. Bees have been known to work together to save their friends’ lives, and cockroaches are individuals with unique personalities. In the midst of an “insect apocalypse,” we must work together to enable them to survive.

Follow these tips to be kind to all types of people.

6 tips to help our 6-legged friends

1. Be an advocate for the youngest among us.

The easiest way to save insects is to stand up for them. It is important to remember to have empathy for all animals, large and small. Let your family know about bees when you sit down to eat as you will have to thank pollinators for the vegetables on your plate. Or tell your friends about the love life of insects, how male crickets serenade women with a courtship song. How sweet!

2. Reduce your environmental footprint by going vegan.

Two of the biggest threats to insects are habitat loss and the climate crisis. The best way to reduce your environmental footprint is to go vegan. Millions of cows raised for food suffer from massive, dirty outdoor feeding areas that pose a threat to the environment. The World Bank reported The This practice has fueled up to 91% of deforestation. The easiest way to fight climate change is to be 100% animal free.

Fresh produce and fruits and vegetables in a supermarket

3. Make your garden insect heaven.

Bees (and a whole family of other pollinators) are one of the most important parts of our food chain. The bees alone add $ 18 billion to plant production in the United States. The least we can do is offer them something to eat. As the natural habitats of many insects are being destroyed, courtyards are becoming increasingly important for the preservation of plants and animals.

4. Buy native plants for your home and garden.

Adding native plants to your home is a win-win situation. They offer more benefits to native insects that live in the area. Plus, they’re well adapted to the local climate and rainfall, so they’re generally easier to care for than non-native plants – even if you don’t have a green thumb.

5. Take action for bugs killed for candy.

Insects are already facing “death from a thousand cuts,” says an entomologist. Still, two companies are still killing Lac Bugs to create the tough, shiny clams on their candy. Almost 100,000 beetles are killed to produce just 1 pound of shellac flakes for Red Hots and Junior Mints. Avoid these candies, cruelly made by Ferrara or Tootsie Roll Industries respectively, and learn more about Lac Bugs at the link below.

Lac Bug on light green leaf

6. Buy healthy sweet treats.

You can find vegan sweets at any grocery store or local market. Some of our favorites are Sour Patch Kids, Jolly Rancher Lollipops, and Fruit by the Foot. From chewy candies to gummy bears, there is something for every taste. For a long list of pet-free snacks, check out the link below that you may not even know are vegan.

Protect insects today and every other day

All insects have a place in our world, whether butterflies or ants. You help people in a myriad of ways. Bees, moths, beetles, and flies are pollinators who fertilize plants. Insects also purify our air and water, and regulate our soil systems. We depend on insects every day, and now they have to rely on us. If you’re a compassionate person who wouldn’t hurt a fly, show it off with PETA’s Human Insect Catcher.

Stop the damage with Humane Bug Control