5Ws+1H: How It is Executed: Vigilence finest protection in opposition to mattress bugs | Information


The last thing someone wants to share a bed with are creepy crawlers – or even slow moving pests like bed bugs.

Summer is the main time for bed bugs as they tend to prefer warmer temperatures. It’s also a time when people are more on the go, making them vulnerable to hitchhiking pests. They are very difficult to get rid of, which is why it is imperative that travelers check their accommodation before staying overnight.

When Heather Winn, an educator with the OSU Cooperative Extension Service in Cherokee County, walks into a hotel, she leaves her luggage outside the room before checking the furniture.

“I’ll go in and look at the mattresses first,” she said. “I go to one of the corners, pull up the mattress at the head of the bed and you can see if there is any feces or actual insects.”

Hotel guests should pull back the sheets and blankets to check for signs of infestation. The baseboards where the floor meets the wall can also be examined. The bugs are more likely to be found at the front of the bed, where people rest their heads. Headboards are another common place of residence

Bed bugs often make feces when processing their blood meal and leave black marks on fabric. You can also create a dirty looking area that contains discarded hides, eggs, and feces. Once the coast is clear, luggage can be brought in and placed on a hard surface like a desk or on the luggage rack.

When going home, suitcases and bags can be left outside if it’s a hot, sunny day. Or they could be put in a vehicle with the windows up, as bed bugs that are exposed to extreme heat will die over time.

“When you get them, they come in your stuff and you take them home with you, it’s so, so hard to get rid of,” said Winn. “Heat treatment is basically the best method. A pest control expert is the best way to get rid of them. They heat the house or apartment to 130 degrees and keep this temperature for four to six hours. “

Washing and drying bed linens, clothes, and other linens in high altitude environments can kill bed bugs. Vacuuming helps too, but homeowners should properly dispose of the vacuum bag outside of the home. Sticky traps are another way to monitor for bed bugs or insects of any kind in a home.

“You can buy mattress covers that actually help seal your mattress and box spring beds,” said Winn. “That way, if someone might have them and bring them to your home, you would at least have a protective layer on your mattresses.”

Used clothing and furniture are another good place to find bed bugs. They can hide in tiny holes, cracks and upholstery seams. They can also live without feeding for up to a year.

According to the OSU Cooperative Extension Service, bed bugs can infect any type of home: large or small, neat or untidy. They can affect the poor, the rich, and everyone alike.

“Reducing clutter helps,” said Winn. “Having a dirty home is not healthy and it is not a good thing, but you will likely take them elsewhere and bring them home. Then it will be difficult to get rid of them. “