Verify Out These Assets To Forestall And Get rid of Rodents Or Pests Round Your House And Property In Metropolis Of Apple Valley


February 8, 2021

Do you have problems with rodents or pests in your home or garden? The following information can help you prevent and eliminate pests in your environment and on your property.

Do you have problems with rodents or pests in your home or garden? The following information and resources can help you prevent and eliminate pests in your area and property.

According to the city ordinance, a pest is defined as a rodent or insect at any stage of development and as other destructive or offensive vermin (wild mammals and birds). The city’s property maintenance ordinance stipulates that all buildings and ancillary buildings should be free from rodent and pest infestation. The owner and occupant of such buildings or structures is responsible for preventing and reducing infestation.