Twig lookalike insect breaks web, netizens baffled at ‘creation’ as video goes viral


The earth is a unique place where different species merge, making nature a wonderland. Nature has repeatedly failed to surprise with its strange and distinctive animals. Lately, viral video of a winged creature has made headlines on the internet.

The little creature has a perfect resemblance to a broken branch. The video, titled “The Broken Branch,” was shared on Twitter by IFS officer Susanta Nanda. Nobody will believe it until you see the video. The video is so fascinating that you might be able to watch it more than once.

The video’s caption reads, “Broken Branch ?? It’s a moth. Looks like a piece of twig with bark, even resembles the layering of wood tissue on the “cut” ends to prevent robbery. God’s amazing creations. ”

Have a look:

Branch broken off ??
It’s a moth …
looks like a piece of twig with bark, even resembles the layering of wood tissue on the “cut off” ends to avoid predators
God’s amazing creations.

– Susanta Nanda IFS (@ susantananda3) August 10, 2021

This unique creature is a moth known as the buff-tip moth. These can be found in England, Wales and Scotland.

The video, which was released on August 10, received more than 5,800 views and a huge number of comments. While many were enthusiastic about the strange looking moth, others asked for more information about it.

People are impressed by the uniqueness of the moth, some on his Twitter account have commented: “Simply amazing … How this feature translation from biotic to abiotic happens is only the next level. I actually thought it was one first Branch.” Hand ”, while another wrote:“ Camouflage * Nature * at its best. Curious to know which type of moth it is and where it is most common. ”

While another Twitter user shared his story of countering with other unique species: “I saw a frog in Thekkadi forest that was exactly like a dried leaf. I had his picture in my archive somewhere. Amazing camalouge. ”

More about branch insect

According to wildlife specialists, these buff-tip insects fly at night and often gather in large groups. These types mostly occur in the trunk area of ​​a tree. According to wildlife specialists, it looks like a silvery gray color with a buffy head and has a buff patch on the end of the wings. While these insects are only active in summer.

Like the buff-tip moth, there are other insects that look like leaves. Also known as walking leaf, these are usually flat insects that are green in color. They get this name because of their eye-catching leaf-like appearance.

(Image source: Twitter)

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