These Florida cities have the worst termite infestations in America


ORLANDO, Fla. – Florida is famous for pests and it seems hot for termites.

Orkin released its Top 50 Termite Cities List for 2021 on Tuesday, and four Florida cities made the cut. Three major metro areas even floated into the top 10.

The pest control company said it based its list on data from the subway areas where Orkin performed the most termite treatments on customers. Orkin considered service requests from February 2020 to the end of January 2021. The ranking includes both inpatient and commercial treatments.

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While it’s not something to really brag about, Miami held first place for the third year in a row. Tampa follows closely behind in third place, with Los Angeles in between.

Orlando also made a small jump and slipped to ninth place. It usually ranks 10th.

Fort Myers missed the top 10, but there are still enough termites to make the list.

It’s no surprise that so many cities in Florida have made the top 50. According to Florida Pest Control, the hot and humid weather makes an excellent home for termites.

Pest control giant Orkin said people who spend more time at home in 2020 are likely to see termites and termite damage more often than in previous years. The past year has also seen a record number of storms and hurricanes that provide what termites need most in life – moisture.


“Weather conditions have a direct impact on schools of termites,” said orkin entomologist Glen Ramsey in a press release. “Most underground termites swarm in spring and summer, while drywood termites usually swarm in late summer and fall.”

There are four types of termites on the way to the Floridians that call the Sunshine State home. Florida Pest Control shares some signs of whether termites are invading your living space.

Click here for Orkin’s full rankings.

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