These are the rodents making an attempt to get into your house this fall


When the temperatures cool down in the fall, some of the most common rodents in Maine look for places to hibernate. And for a rodent who wants to get out of the cold, your home will be just as attractive as a den in an old tree or under a pile of stones. Maybe even more.

Here are the most likely rodent visitors you could find in your Maine home this season.


The two types of mice in Maine are house mice and deer mice. At this time of year they are basically looking for warmth and a solid diet. All they need to invite you into your home is a crack or other opening no larger than the diameter of a pencil. They are also not afraid to get into car engines or upholstery.

Here’s what you need to know when mice move into your home this fall.


The eastern chipmunk is a widespread and easily identifiable rodent in Maine’s forests, with its black and white stripes. But this forest dweller also feels very comfortable around people and in your house. Sure, they’re cute to look at when scurrying around your yard or up your trees, but once they move between your walls or attics, the fun stops and damage can begin.

Here’s what you can do if you have chipmunks in your house.


In Maine we have red tree squirrels and the larger gray squirrels. Both are fully accessible to move into your home in the fall and nest in attics, basements, crawl spaces, or between walls. Once there, they are a loud, smelly and destructive nuisance.

Here’s what to do if squirrels come into your home.

Flying squirrel

In order not to be outdone, the nocturnal flying squirrel will move to your home in the fall and bring his family with him. If you have problems with flying squirrels in your home, you are likely dealing with an entire colony, which can range from 20 to 30 individuals.

Here’s what you can do to get rid of those flying squirrels.


If any living thing causes a chill of fear in homeowners, it’s a rat. In Maine, that would be the Norwegian rat, also known as the brown or sewer rat. Whatever you call it, this omnivorous regulation can get into your home through openings as small as half an inch in diameter and gnaw through wood, drywall, electrical wiring, plastic pipe, and even metal.

Here is what you need to know about getting rid of rats.