The place To Discover Termites In Grounded

Where To Find Termites In Grounded

Termites are deadly creatures that are very difficult to encounter. However, this guide will help you find them.

Grounded termite and custom character on the left and termite dungeon on the right.

The developers for Grounded introduced an update called In the forest, which provides new areas for players to explore. The update also introduced a new set of objectives that must be completed before you can reach the endgame.

TIED TOGETHER: Grounded: Relatable things each player does

With this update you will also come across termites. These are the new creatures added to the game termite dungeon, which you must explore and complete in order to get closer to the endgame. However, the dungeon and the location of the termites are still unknown to many players, which we will reveal in this guide.

What are termites?

Grounded termites

termites are creatures in Grounded that have the same physical appearance as that of an ant, but are very different in nature to the players. Unlike ants, termites attack players on sight with their teeth and shoot balls of acid from their mouths. The acid does fire damage and leaves a splash like that on the floor for a few seconds.


These creatures always stay near their nest and defend it instead of going out to gather food.

Where can you find termites?

Grounded termite dungeon site

Termites are common termite dungeonis located on the Northwest side of the backyard. The area will be surrounded by a massive woodpile, with many entrances leading to the dungeon.

You have to climb the pieces of wood to get to the entrances. The dungeon is protected by termite soldiers this will prevent you from entering the nest where you will find them termite king.

The Termite Soldiers are sturdy creatures and always attack in a group. You need one level 3 Weapons and armor to keep up with them. Since they also spit acid balls, it’s better to be equipped with one Sign to repel their attacks.

The main weakness of termites is Salt and piercing damage weapons like mosquito needle, barbed spear, and arrows.

You will receive the following prey from a termite after defeating it:

  • acid gland
  • termite parts
  • Hard Gunk

Except in the termite dungeon, you will find termite soldiers subliminal, along with Black ox beetles creatures.

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