Termite Prevention Guidelines to Defend Your Dwelling – Information Anyway


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Learning methods of DIY termite prevention is something every homeowner needs to take seriously. Prevention is better than cure, and preventing termite infestation before it occurs can help you avoid costly damage to your home.

Below is a comprehensive checklist of best practices that every homeowner must follow to keep their home safe.

Termite Prevention Checklist

  1. Perform regular inspections

The best way to prevent termites, of course, is to conduct regular inspections Pest Control Experts. Professional inspections ensure that problems are identified early, before significant damage that requires costly repairs is addressed.

It’s also important to conduct regular DIY inspections to look for termite evidence such as “frass” or “cardboard” – the waste matter that termites leave behind.

  1. Prevent water and moisture leaks

Without a doubt, moisture and water damage are the number one reason termites can get into your home.

Follow these termite prevention tips to ensure water damage can be identified and corrected early on:

– – Immediately examine and correct any signs of moisture in the house.

– – Make sure shower heads, leaking faucets, and toilets are fixed as soon as possible.

– – Check to see if the air conditioner drip pipes are leaking on the walls of your home. If so, divert the water away from your home or install a drain.

– – Make sure your gutter and roof are in good condition and are not leaking.

– – Make sure your hot water systems are not leaking near the edge of the wall. If so, divert the water away from the property or install a drain.

  1. Erase all wine holes

Termites are often attracted to wine holes covered in mulch, soil, or vegetation along the perimeter of a house.

Seeing the bottom of each crying hole is critical to termite prevention as it allows you to spot the first signs of termites, which usually look like mud trails. However, many homeowners tend to place garden beds, dirt, or grass clippings too close to the edge of the wall, making it incredibly easy for termites to access at home.

– – Do not use sealant to block tear holes.

– – Do not cover weeping holes with mulch, soil, or garden beds.

– – Plant vegetation or garden beds at least a few feet away from your house.

– – Do not lay concrete or paving stones in a way that obstructs the tear holes.

– – Be careful where you pour a hose or sprinkler system.

  1. Avoid certain types of mulch

Most homeowners hardly think about what type of mulch to use. However, certain types of mulch or wood chips not only attract termites, they may already be full of termites.

– – Never collect mulch from unknown sources on the side of the road.

– – Always buy termite-resistant types of mulchers.

– – When dealing with landscapers, always ask what type of mulch you are getting.

  1. Avoid wooden structures that are in direct contact with the ground

The construction of pergolas, decks or other wooden structures outside of your home should always be done with termites in mind. It is important to use special metal brackets specially designed so that wooden foundations do not come into direct contact with the ground.

– – Always make sure that the correct materials are used, e.g. B. Metal bracket for foundations.

– – Always consult a pest control company and a building contractor before starting any construction.

– – Follow all building codes to make sure your home is fully protected against termites.

  1. Do not store unused firewood and wood

Termite prevention often involves removing wood or firewood that is stored on the sides of your home. This wood not only comes into direct contact with the ground, but can also cover the tear holes. Therefore, it is important to keep stored wood and firewood off the walls to make sure you can clearly see the termite mud trails that lead into the house.

  1. Check out hot tubs and hot tubs

Many homeowners install hot tubs or hot tubs either in the back yard next to the house or deepen them in a wooden deck. However, this creates an ideal environment for termite infestation: wood, water and soil in one place.

– – Do not install a hot tub next to the house wall.

– – Do not install a hot tub on a wooden deck unless proper precautions have been taken during the construction process.

– – Contact a professional pest control company before installing your hot tub.

Final thoughts

Termite prevention is a difficult task in itself. However, with this comprehensive termite prevention checklist and due diligence, it is possible to keep termites out.

Remember to follow best design guidelines, conduct regular inspections, and when in doubt, consult pest control professionals.