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Why Good Mother and father May Take (Some) Cues From Termites

Last updated: November 15, 2022, 11:51 AM ISTThe royal termite pair is particularly present in the early stages of colony life. (Image credit:...

Identification of a queen primer pheromone in larger termites

Origin of termites, samplingTen colonies (A–J) of Embiratermes neotenicus (Holmgren 1906) were used in this study. The colonies were collected in French Guiana in...

These Termites Have Been Voyaging Throughout The Ocean For Hundreds of...

Many families of land animals live separated by hundreds of miles of oceans wide and wide. The explanations for how they got so...

Termites Will not Eat French Fries However Will Eat the Container

Do you have termites? Better hope not, they are a big pest and colonies can eat up to a pound of...

Termites thriving underneath consecutive La Niñas, cockroach and spider populations to...

A Brisbane pest controller says he's never seen so many termite infestations, with the pests enjoying the consistent moisture brought on by successive La...

Termites could have a bigger position in future ecosystems

University of Miami tropical biologist Amy Zanne led an international research study to investigate the discovery and decay of termites and microbial wood. ...

Shield your furnishings from predacious termites with HiCare’s Termite Management

Being a homeowner comes with a whole host of responsibilities. The most important thing would be to protect your...

‘A world first’: Devon calls victory in 27-year warfare on termites...

In 1994, a bungalow owner in Devon called pest control to report that a mysterious "white ant" had been feeding through her conservatory. ...