Swarming Season For Termites within the State


Termites are pests all year round, but they’re particularly common here in Louisiana during the spring and summer months. Ag Commissioner Mike Strain said he had seen firsthand how active termites are currently.

“I was out last night and I can tell you the termites are swarming and going where you have lights and now they’re swarming again, they’re looking for a new home,” said Strain.

According to Strain, you can turn off the outside lights and clean and repair your house’s gutters to avoid termites. However, the most important prevention method could be …

“Fix any leaks, roofs, pipes, and outside taps. Remember, termites must have a source of moisture,” Strain said.

In addition to getting rid of moisture, maintaining the wood in your home is also a key to termite prevention, according to Strain.

“Repair rotting wood on the bezels, soffits and exterior wood surfaces, repair and replace rotting wood. Pick up wood that’s under or around your house, ”said Strain.

Strain also emphasizes the importance of having your home tested by a licensed professional.

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