Parkview joins forces with the Owl Rescue Centre to discover safer methods to get rid of rodents


The Parkview Residents Association (PRA) has partnered with the Owl Rescue Center to introduce safer methods of eliminating rats in the Parkview community as part of the Rat Trap Project.

This project was intended to appeal to the Parkview community to avoid rodent control poisons and to provide a safe, effective, humane and environmentally friendly solution to rodent control and to end the use of rodenticides that are harmful to the environment and other species like cats, dogs and owls.

The collaboration installed 20 houses in Parkview with environmentally friendly rat traps a few months ago. To date, the community has caught about seven rats, but believes that this environmentally friendly method of rodent trapping can only become more successful with more houses getting on board and getting rat traps. There are other environmentally friendly ways to get rid of rats, but these are very costly. The PRA therefore encourages residents to join their partnership with the Owl Rescue Center.

“Over the years, many people have contacted us looking for an alternative solution to rodent control that does not contain poison. I’m happy to say that people are becoming more environmentally conscious and realizing the importance of protecting our biodiversity and ecosystems, ”said Danelle Murray, Founding Member and Communications Director of the Owl Rescue Center.

“The Parkview Residents Association is one such community and we are excited to be working with them,” she added.

The owl friendly rat trap is primarily designed to catch rats without killing or injuring them. Food is used as bait (not poisoned) and is placed in the cage part of the rat trap to lure the rodents into the trap. The rat or mouse enters the rat trap through a trap door to get to the bait. The rodent is caught alive and unharmed; it is caught with a supply of water and food.

The rental fee for the traps is R150 per trap per month for a period of at least six months and includes all collections of trapped rodents. Parkview residents qualify for a volume discount and the PRA can be contacted at [email protected] for more informations. Those who do not live in Parkview can buy or rent the traps by contacting the Owl Rescue Center.

For more information on the cause, please visit


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