Nocturnal Fliers: Bugs that Go Bump within the Night time at GC Park & Forest, should preregister


It’s a different world when the sun goes down in the forest! Join us for a Nighttime insect adventure in Genesee County Park & ​​Forest on Saturday, July 10th from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Wayne Gall, Ph.D., will use a mercury-vapor lamp to lure night-flying insects onto a white cloth and identify them. See these mysterious insects up close and learn cool facts about their natural history!

Meet at the Interpretive Nature Center and go to the outdoor area. Masks must be worn indoors and when a social distance of two meters cannot be maintained. The cost is $ 5 / person, $ 10 / family. Reservation required, phone (585) 344-1122!