New Orleans Saints’ Cam Jordan has loads of questions on termites


It’s the time of year everyone New Orleans loves to hate: Termite Season. This includes the defensive end of New Orleans Saints, Cam Jordan, who just got his first experience with them. Jordan went to Twitter and stated that the termites had been found on the mouth of his chimney. He had many questions about swarms of termites. “How did you get in? Termites fly?” He took to Twitter before delivering the news to his wife, who he thinks hates mistakes. Our question is, how have you lived here for so long and never seen the swarms ?!

It’s the time of year everyone New Orleans loves to hate: Termite Season.

This includes the defensive end of New Orleans Saints, Cam Jordan, who just got his first experience with them.

Jordan went to Twitter and stated that the termites had been found on the mouth of his chimney.

He had many questions about swarms of termites.

“How did you get in? Termites fly?”

He took to Twitter before delivering the news to his wife, who he thinks hates mistakes.

Our question is, how have you lived here for so long and never seen the swarms ?!