Moranbah Hospital’s termite injury sparks requires pressing improve


One woman’s outrage over the condition of rooms at Moranbah Hospital was echoed by the local mayor as calls for upgrading the mining town’s facility increased.

Important points:

  • Moranbah Hospital patient Jennifer Malcolm says she is appalled by the condition of some of the rooms
  • She says the cracks and holes in the walls and the paint peeling off the ceiling made her unsafe
  • The Mackay Hospital and Health Service worked on solutions, but Isaac Mayor Anne Baker says this is not enough

Jennifer Malcolm, from central Queensland, was hospitalized last month with pneumonia – and was in disbelief when she walked into her room.

“I was pretty shocked with the state of the room,” said Ms. Malcolm.

“There were holes everywhere.

“When I was put in my bed, I noticed that it was actually termite damage. When I saw that the blanket had termite damage and paint was falling off, it was really horrible.”

A room at Moranbah Hospital with termite damage. (

Delivered: Jennifer Malcolm


Ms. Malcolm said she felt the condition of the building was unsafe.

“I have a lung infection and I still had all of this in my room,” she said.

Isaac Mayor Anne Baker said Ms. Malcolm’s experience reinforced the need for quick upgrades.

“There’s no question that the facility needs upgrading,” said Alderman Baker.

“It has to present itself as a functional facility and it is missing at the moment, there is no doubt about that.”

a white ceiling with peeling paint and wood There was also damage to the ceiling in Jennifer Malcolm’s room. (

Delivered: Jennifer Malcolm


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The health service says the hospital is safe

In a statement, the Mackay Hospital and Health Service said that its top priority is always patient health and well-being.

“The development of a detailed business case for Moranbah Hospital is also progressing to investigate the potential scope for a redevelopment project,” said a statement by CEO Lisa Davies Jones.

“Moranbah Hospital is safe for patients, visitors and staff.”

It said biannual pest and termite inspections are being conducted and an insurance claim for remedial action to repair the damage is pending.

“The limited affected areas remain safe and have only been used in exceptional cases,” said Ms. Davies Jones’ statement.

“We are in the final stages of our procurement process, which began in March of this year.”

a square air conditioner in the ceiling near a crack Hospital patient Jennifer Malcolm says the condition of the room left her unsafe. (

Delivered: Jennifer Malcolm


Alderman Baker said the ward deserved a more specific schedule.

“I trust that it will be talked about,” she said.

“What I want to see here and what I have confirmed … is the timing and full commitment of the funding.”

“Considering the amount of royalties in the mining industry [and beef we contribute]we shouldn’t lack essential infrastructure in the Isaac region. “

Jennifer Malcolm hoped her experience would help improve conditions for both patients and staff.

“The medical care here is amazing, but the facility is not.”