London: Increase in “rat plague” investigated by the team
Unnecessary retail stores, hairdressers, gyms and pub beer gardens were allowed to reopen their doors this week. Britain’s heroic fight against COVID-19 continues. Almost 41 million gun strikes and 8.5 million people are fully vaccinated. But a new plague is breaking out on the streets of Britain – with offices and restaurants closed for much of the year, rat populations have exploded.
It’s being referred to as the “boom time” for companies like Sims’ CHS Pest Control, where calls to control rats have increased 75 percent since the UK first encountered the coronavirus lockdown a year ago.
The expert Colin Sims recently caught a “fairly large” one with a length of eight inches (excluding the tail) in southwest London.
He added, “It’s a dirty animal, so it was in the sewer.
“It looks like a dominant man to me, it just found a way to look for some food.
London is said to be in the middle of a rat boom (Image: GETTY)
Prime Minister Boris Johnson eased the lockdown this week (Image: GETTY)
“I’ve worked seven days a week since the lockdown started last March with up to 12 jobs a day.”
The UK’s rat population rose by a quarter to an estimated 150 million after three national bans last year, according to website.
These conditions are said to have been the ideal breeding conditions for the penetration of rats.
Paul Blackhurst, from Rentokil Pest Control, explained, “With Lockdown you will have buildings that are quiet and uninhabited so it will be dark, it will be safe for them to reproduce undetected.”
And some business owners have returned to shocking scenes.
READ MORE: Giant rat plague hits UK gardens as an 80% increase in rodent activity starts pest warfare
Pubs and restaurants are opening again (Image: GETTY)
Natalie Bungay, technical director of the British Pest Control Association, described the case of a restaurant in the west of England.
She said, “When they opened the doors, there were cans of food everywhere.
“The rats gnaw through the soft metal, so it’s not really a problem for them.”
But this is not their only meeting place.
Some of the nocturnal pests that have been stripped of leftover food that have been dumped in the back of restaurants and offices also dare to dare to venture more.
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More rats are found in apartment buildings (Image: GETTY)
There were more sightings and deployments in residential areas.
Mr. Blackhurst added, “If we change our behavior, they will most likely change their behavior because they are very, very adaptable animals.”
The UK Pest Control said its members reported a 51 percent increase in rodent activity during the initial lockdown in spring 2020 and a 78 percent increase when the shutdown returned in November.
Experts fear the problem could explode now.
Sam Devereux of JG Pest Control in London added: “For people more at home, the number of residential callouts has increased.
Rats were attracted to household waste (Image: GETTY)
“This is the busiest winter we have ever had in 10 years.
“But now that the weather is improving and pubs, bars and restaurants are reopening, rodents will migrate elsewhere.
“We have contracts with pubs, restaurants and takeaways and while they are no longer closed we expect a busy spring and summer with them.
“As the temperature changes, they will be less inclined to take shelter in people’s homes, and this will be the perfect time for grocery and beverage stores to reopen.”