Learn how to Select a Termite Firm: 5 Issues Earlier than Hiring

Learn how to Select a Termite Firm: 5 Issues Earlier than Hiring

Photo: istock.com

Finding signs of termites in a home can understandably mislead homeowners. You may be wondering how long you’ve had termites or how much damage has already been done. In fact, homeowners don’t typically see visible termite signs like mud hoses, holes in drywall, or crumbling baseboards until termites have been busy for months or even years. The full extent of the damage is unlikely to be visible.

Fortunately, the best pest control companies can banish termite colonies from your home and take steps to prevent them from returning in the future. Homeowners should ensure that the company they contact has a proven track record in termite control and current licenses and insurance. Deciding who to entrust with the process of reclaiming a home from termites can be overwhelming, but taking a step-by-step approach can help reduce the stress for homeowners. Read on to learn how to choose a termite company that will get the job done from start to finish.

Time required: 2 to 3 weeks
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated costs: $220 to $915

Before you start…

Most termite control technicians are professionals dedicated to helping homeowners rid their homes of destructive pests. However, some companies may misrepresent their credentials or use tactics to pressure homeowners to pay for unnecessary services. It’s always wise to do some due diligence by thoroughly researching a company and checking for red flags before allowing them to handle the house. Once the company has been chosen, cooperation and communication between the homeowner and the termite technicians is essential to complete the job safely and effectively.

Tips for finding a termite company

  • Look for licensed and insured pest control companies.
  • Read customer reviews specific to the company’s termite control service.
  • Get multiple quotes to find the best price.

safety aspects

  • Keep children and pets away from the treatment area.
  • After treatment, follow the termite company’s instructions to avoid exposure to chemical pesticides.

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STEP 1: Find a company near you that offers termite control services.

The first step to finding a local pest control service is often to search online for “pest control services near me.” Homeowners may want to opt for larger companies with a nationwide service area, or they may prefer local exterminators. In any case, it is important to ensure that the company includes termite control in its services. Termites require more specialized treatment than what some pest control services can provide. If a company’s website is unclear about termite treatment, it may be necessary to contact the company directly.

Customers can read reviews to learn more about a business. It’s important to note that dissatisfied customers are more likely to leave reviews than satisfied customers. However, if there is a significant recurring complaint among the reviews, the customer may want to take that into account and possibly choose a different company.

How do you choose a termite company?

Photo: istock.com

STEP 2: Check the company’s licenses and certifications.

Verifying that the company is appropriately licensed and certified is important when hiring a service. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, pest control companies must have at least one certified, licensed pesticide applicator. Certification requirements for termite control companies vary from state to state, so it’s a good idea for homeowners to research the required credentials in their state of residence.

If it is unclear whether the Company’s license is genuine or current, customers may contact the US Department of Agriculture or their state’s Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency to verify credentials.

How do you choose a termite company?

Photo: istock.com

STEP 3: Schedule a termite inspection.

After confirming that the pest control contractor is qualified to treat termites, homeowners can schedule a termite inspection. During the inspection, technicians will check the inside and outside of the home to determine the extent of the damage and the type of treatment. A layman may not even know what termites look like. So when homeowners are unsure whether their pests are termites, inspectors can either confirm it or give the all-clear. Some companies may waive the cost of termite inspection if the homeowner decides to rent it, or offer it for free with no obligation.

The planning process can also be a good opportunity to evaluate the company based on some key characteristics such as availability and quality of customer support. Account managers who are easy to reach and willing to answer questions can be a good sign that the company is reputable.

termites in the house? Get rid of them as soon as possible

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STEP 4: Request the treatment plan and identify any guarantees.

After the inspection, the company makes an offer. Technicians likely already know the best termite treatment plan based on their inspection. Homeowners will want to ask for a detailed description of this plan and a breakdown of costs. Companies that are vague about pricing or don’t provide a firm estimate may later charge more than the homeowner negotiated. The final termite treatment cost should not differ significantly from the original quote.

It’s also wise to be wary of companies that don’t offer guarantees. Guarantees usually promise a refund or free repeat treatment if the homeowner still has termites after a certain period of time. In general, it’s a good idea to read up on the company’s terms and conditions before proceeding with the hiring process.

How do you choose a termite company?

Photo: istock.com

STEP 5: Complete any necessary prep work before the termite treatment service begins.

Depending on the location of the termites, homeowners may need to prepare the area for treatment. This may include rearranging furniture to allow technicians access to the space or removing items that the homeowner wants to protect from pesticides. Homeowners may need to remove garden equipment or tools if the home’s exterior is infested.

It may also be necessary to make arrangements to leave the home for a period of time while the pesticides are drying, especially if the homeowner has children or pets. If fumigation services are required, the preparatory work can be more involved. It’s a good idea to ask the company in advance what needs to be done to avoid any surprises or delays on the delivery day.

Choosing a termite company can feel like a daunting task when a homeowner is already concerned about the damage that could happen to their home. But it’s important not to rush the process or sign a contract with the first company that pops up after searching “pest control service near me.” The best termite services make a point of helping customers regain control of their homes and prevent future infestations.

How do you choose a termite company?

Photo: istock.com

frequently asked Questions

It is quite natural for homeowners to be alarmed by termites taking up residence in their homes. But information is power, and it can help homeowners decide their next moves. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about termites.

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Q. How do I get rid of termites permanently?

The surest answer to getting rid of termites and preventing them from returning is to enlist the help of a professional pest control service. Termite control specialists are familiar with the habits and behaviors of termites and have the tools and treatments to remove them.

Q. What attracts termites into a house?

In general, termites are attracted to wood. But depending on the species of termite, they may prefer a moist wood or a dry wood. Wood placed near the home, such as firewood or mulch, can serve as a vehicle for termites to gain entry into the home.

Q. How can you tell if you have termites in your walls?

Termite damage—if it’s visible at all—can show up as tiny holes in the wall, lines in drywall where termites have dug into it, or peeling or peeling paint. With severe damage, the wall may make a hollow sound when tapped or begin to crumble.

Q. What do termites hate most?

Termites are extremely averse to sunlight and will not survive prolonged exposure to the sun.

Q. Do termites come back after treatment?

There’s always a chance for termites to return after treatment, but choosing a reputable termite control company with proven results reduces the likelihood of reinfestation. Many treatments remain effective for about 5 years.

Q. Why are they drilling termite treatment holes?

Termite technicians will drill holes in the ground to inject treatments into the ground and apply them above ground. This provides a more complete protective barrier. The underground pesticides are also not washed away by rain and are out of the reach of children and pets.

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