Insect species named after Hu Ge and Louis Koo, Leisure Information & High Tales


Actors Louis Koo and Hu Ge named a new species of insect after them and you will never guess the name – Nemoura vastkootinlokorum.

The six-legged creature might have a funny name, like it’s the love child of the two big stars, but both of them’s charity projects in China are no laughing matter.

Koo, known as Koo Tin-lok in Cantonese, and Hu were honored for their individual contributions to education and the environment, according to an article published earlier this month in the International Journal of Ecology.

The China Global Television Network website praised the duo and listed their good deeds in a post last Saturday.

Hong Kong actor Koo, 50, who founded a charity foundation in 2008, has helped build more than 100 elementary schools in remote parts of China, as well as clinics and wells.

After the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008, he visited the disaster area as a Unicef ​​ambassador and has since been heavily involved in charitable causes without being aware of it.

Chinese actor Hu, 38, was also involved in disaster relief efforts after the quake, which killed more than 69,000 people.

He was also instrumental in protecting the barnacle goose, the highest flying bird in the world, from pollution and endangerment in 2013, and visited the Qinghai region several times to raise awareness about environmental protection.

Other celebrities who have had bugs against their monikers include actress Kate Winslet, who has a species of carbid beetle named after her, Agra katewinsletae. The Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio gave his name to a beetle species, Grouvellinus leonardodicaprioi, and a species of spider, Spintharus leonardodicaprioi.

While the name of the Hu Ge-Louis Koo insect discovered in Sichuan in southwest China may seem like a mouthful, internet users seem to approve of the honor, saying that “insects have now gotten handsome”.