Fredericksburg Well being Inspections: Flying Bugs, Mouse Feces

Fredericksburg Health Inspections: Flying Insects, Mouse Feces

FREDERICKSBURG, VA — The Rappahannock Area Health District recorded violations at several facilities during recent inspections from Oct. 5 to Oct. 11.

In Virginia, all food service locations are supposed to be inspected at least once per year. Facilities with higher risk factors may be inspected as often as four times per year, according to the Virginia Department of Health.

Violations at restaurants typically focus on factors that can contribute to food contamination. The local health department can also perform a re-inspection to ensure that possible violations have been corrected. Sometimes, the follow-up inspection only considers the most important “priority” violations.

For every observed violation, the inspector provides a specific corrective action that can be completed to rectify the violation. Sometimes these are simple, and violations can be corrected during the course of the inspection.

Depending on the results of the inspection, the health department can pursue several actions. They can issue a permit for the restaurant to continue serving food, they can schedule a follow-up inspection to determine if violations have been rectified, or they can temporarily shut down an establishment until certain issues are solved.

Here are the most recent violations as listed by the Rappahannock Area Health Department:

  • Wendy’s Store #10802, 9910 Southpoint Parkway Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 5
    • Total violations: 16
      • Absence of active managerial control observed during the inspection. The person in charge is not monitoring temperatures of TCS foods during cold holding and reheating, improper cooling methods observed and improper handwashing procedures observed during the inspection. Discussed requirements during the inspection.
      • Observed a food employee lather their hands under running water for less than 10 seconds. Provided demonstration of correct handwashing procedures and instructed the food employee to wash their hands.
      • Observed a food employee use the same set of disposable gloves to touch the side of their headset near their mouth and then proceed to place a roll in the toaster. Instructed the food employee to remove gloves and wash their hands, the roll was discarded during the inspection. Discussed correct glove use with the person in charge.
      • Observed the following TCS foods improperly reheated for hot holding: 1- Precooked sausage patties (109, 120 degrees F). A food employee immediately placed the sausage back on the flattop to reheat to 176 degrees. 2- Observed two pans of chili, which are prepared from cooked and cooled hamburger patties (144, 159, 149, 155 degrees F). The process was started between 8:30-8:50 a.m. and temperatures were observed at 11:00 a.m. The person in charge voluntarily discarded the chili. Discussed ensuring the steamer wells are fully heated prior to placing chili ingredients for reheating. Discussed alternate methods to achieve rapid reheating of chili within 2 hours. Chili pans were relocated in a double boiler set-up at the flattop during the inspection, in an effort to reheat to the proper temperatures.
      • Observed shell eggs (55, 54, 58 degrees F) cold holding at improper temperatures in the top of the eggs/meat well cooler. The person in charge reported the eggs have been in the unit since 6:20 a.m. The person in charge reported the eggs would be discarded by 10:20 a.m. Less than one dozen eggs were observed being held in the unit.
      • Observed the following TCS foods cold holding at improper temperatures: Shredded cheese (54 degrees F) and blue cheese crumbles (53 degrees F) in the top of cold well #2. The person in charge reported the foods have been in the unit since 8:00 a.m. The foods were relocated to the walk in cooler to cool to 41 degrees F by 12:00 p.m.
      • Observed the following TCS foods cold holding at improper temperatures: Shredded cheese (54 degrees F) and blue cheese crumbles (53 degrees F) in the top of cold well #2. The person in charge reported the foods have been in the unit since 8:00 a.m. The foods were relocated to the walk in cooler to cool to 41 degrees F by 12:00 p.m..
      • Observed absence of effective hair restraints among food employees.
      • Observed stainless steel containers densely stacked while wet after chemical sanitizing.
      • Observed prep sink and mop sink are no longer sealed to the adjacent wall.
      • Accumulation of debris observed on the following nonfood contact surfaces: Side of french fryer holding unit, base of 1 door upright freezer and up splash of coffee brewer.
      • Observed atmospheric vacuum breaker is damaged, the top is broken off. Contact plumber for repair.
      • Observed buildup on the exterior of the recycling and waste dumpster.
      • Observed ceiling tiles above the front hand sink are absorbent and not smooth or easily cleanable.
      • Observed the following in poor repair: Cracked floor tiles, missing floor tile under the hot water heater, rusted base of the backdoor.
      • Observed the following areas in need of cleaning: Numerous soiled ceiling tiles in the front service area and floor under wire shelf in the preparation area in need of cleaning.
  • Subway (Massaponax), 4605 Southpoint Plaza Way Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 5
    • Total violations: 5
      • The Person in Charge was unable to provide documentation of training relating to the Employee Health Policy for this facility Facility provided with Employee Health Policy that was reviewed and signed by all available employees.
      • Facility does not have written clean-up procedures for a vomiting or diarrhea event.
      • Observed 3-compartment sink piping under the right compartment leaking.
      • Observed service sink hose connected to faucet, hanging below the flood level rim.
      • Observed food employee jackets and purse stored on shelving next to single-use equipment (single-use wrappers) and packaged food items (pickles). Food employee relocated personal items to prevent contamination.
  • Aladin Restaurant, 9901 Southpoint Parkway Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 5
    • Total violations: 20
      • Observed absence of active managerial control during the inspection. The person in charge is not monitoring temperatures of TCS foods during cold holding and cooling, improper cooling methods observed and improper thawing of reduced oxygen fish. Requirements and methods to achieve compliance were discussed.
      • The person in charge could not provide written procedures for clean up of vomiting and diarrheal events. Handouts were provided during routine inspection on 10/7/2021. Provided sample clean-up procedures during the inspection.
      • Absence of hand soap at the bar hand washing sink. During the inspection a food employee placed hand soap at the sink.
      • The bar hand sink is also being used as a dump sink/rinse sink for barware. Observed bristle brush sitting mounted inside the basin of the sink. Informed the person in charge hand sinks are only to be used for handwashing tasks.
      • Raw steak stored over covered container of cut potatoes on shelving inside the walk in cooler. The steak was relocated during the inspection.
      • Observed ice machine, can opener and vegetable peeler soiled. The can opener and vegetable peeler were relocated to the 3 vat sink for cleaning.
      • Observed the following equipment soiled: Knife in the knife holder and the back prep area and 3 colanders. The equipment was removed for cleaning.
      • Observed lamb cooked on a skewer (140 degrees F) improperly cooked for service. The lamb was put back on the charbroiler and was fully cooked to 160 degrees F.
      • Observed improper cooling of the following TCS foods in the walk in cooler; Moussaka (43, 45, 47 degrees F), béchamel sauce (43 degrees F) and marinara sauce (43 degrees F). The person in charge reported the TCS foods have been in the unit overnight. Observed the foods stored in deep and covered plastic containers in the walk in cooler. The person in charge reported the facility is not monitoring temperatures during the cooling process. The person in charge voluntarily discarded the foods for safety. Discussed methods to achieve rapid cooling. Cooling handouts and sample log were provided.
      • Observed the following TCS foods cold holding at improper temperatures: 1- Prep cooler #3(pizza prep)- Shredded cheese (45 degrees F), precooked sausage (43, 48 degrees F), and pizza sauce (48 degrees F). The person in charge reported the foods have been in the unit since 10:30 a.m. and relocated to the walk in cooler to cool to 41 degrees F by 2:30 p.m. The person in charge also noted the unit is turned off at night. Ensure TCS foods are placed in the unit once it has cooled to 41 degrees F or less. 2- Walk in cooler- Thawed precooked mussels (44 degrees F). The person in charge discarded the fish due to improper thawing in the reduced oxygen packaging. The person in charge reported a technician will be contacted. Recommended lowering temperature of the walk in cooler to 38 degrees F.
      • Improper cooling methods observed to cool TCS foods cooked/prepared in the food establishment, including ambient cooling. Observed foods cooked in the food establishment cooled in deep and covered plastic containers. Also observed containers of cut lettuce and tomatoes overfilled and covered in the walk in cooler. Discussed rapid cooling methods to achieve compliance and provided cooling handout and temperature log.
      • Observed precooked mussels and raw salmon are being thawing in their reduced oxygen packaging inside the walk in cooler. The mussels were observed completely thawed (44 degrees F) and were voluntarily discarded. The salmon was partially frozen and were relocated to the walk in freezer. Discussed cutting open the packaging when thawing the fish.
      • Observed bulk containers of flour and sugar not labeled to identify the contents.
      • Observed employees wearing wrist and finger jewelry.
      • Observed absence of effective hair restraints among food employees in the facility.
      • Observed stainless steel containers stacked while wet after sanitizing.
      • Observed the following in poor repair: Three damaged metal collanders, multiple plastic lids and rusted shelving in dishwasher area.
      • Observed 2-3 scratched and scored cutting boards.
      • Accumulation of debris noted on the following nonfood contact surfaces: Walls at the cookline, debris under the salamander, container used to hold spoons and dishwasher curtains.
      • Observed long hose with a spray nozzle, which had water flowing, attached to the water line at the mop sink in absence of a backflow preventer. During the inspection the hose was disconnected and backflow handout was emailed to the person in charge.
  • Randolph’s on the River, 136 Main Street Port Royal, VA 22535
    • Date inspected: Oct. 5
    • Total violations: 6
      • The interior surfaces of the microwave oven were observed soiled. Oven was cleaned during inspection.
      • Observed several live flies in the kitchen.
      • Observed a case of saltine crackers and a case of oyster crackers stored on the floor. Items were relocated during the inspection.
      • The following non-food contact surfaces were observed soiled: 1-the top of the salamander, 2-the deep fryer cabinets (CORRECTED), 3-the wire shelving throughout the kitchen, 4-the shelf above the expo station.
      • Observed several lights in the kitchen that were not working, also there is a large hole in the wall by the door in the bar area.
      • The ceiling ventilation intake vents were observed heavily soiled.
  • Sam’s Pizza & Subs, 6072 Riverview Drive King George, VA 22485
    • Date inspected: Oct. 5
    • Total violations: 8
      • This food establishment does not have an employee, with management and supervisory responsibility, that is a Certified Food Protection Manager.
      • Water from the handwashing sink at the rear of the kitchen was measured at a temperature less than 100°F. For some unknown reason, the hot water valve under the sink was turned off. Hot water was turned back on during inspection.
      • The food contact equipment surfaces of the food slicer was observed soiled with accumulations of grime and debris. Slicer was cleaned during inspection.
      • The interior of the microwave oven was observed soiled. The oven was cleaned during inspection.
      • Observed 5 chemical spray bottles without labels. Bottles were labeled during inspection.
      • Observed several squeeze bottles above the flat top grill without labels.
      • The facility does not have a test kit for measuring the concentration of chlorine in the dish machine and the wiping cloth buckets.
      • The ventilation hood and filters over the cook’s line were observed soiled with grime and grease.
  • Fredericksburg Health & Rehab, 3900 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 19
      • Absence of active managerial control observed during the inspection. The person in charge is not monitoring temperatures of TCS foods during cold holding, hot holding and reheating, handwashing of employees and improper cooling methods observed. Discussed requirements with the person in charge during the inspection.
      • The person in charge could not provide verification the facility has a certified food protection manager.
      • The person in charge could not provide verification employees have been trained on the employee health policy. The person in charge was knowledgeable of symptoms and illnesses requiring reporting. Provided sample employee health policy.
      • The person in charge could not provide written procedures for clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events. Sample procedures were provided to the operator.
      • Observed a food employee enter the kitchen and don disposable gloves without washing their hands. Instructed food employee to wash their hands.
      • Observed the interior plastic plate of the ice machine soiled. Instructed the person in charge to remove the plate and discard the ice in contact with the plate.
      • Observed scrambled eggs (80 degrees F) and pureed sausage with gravy (95 degrees F) improperly cooled. The person in charge reported the foods were pulled off the hot holding line at 8:30 a.m. and temperatures were observed at 11:00 a.m. Worked with the food employees to try and cool the foods below 70 degrees through ice baths and relocating to the walk in cooler. The person in charge voluntarily discarded the food during the inspection. Discussed methods to rapidly cool TCS foods. Provided cooling handouts and temperature log.
      • Observed cooked fish (110 degrees F) and hot dogs (98 degrees F) hot holding at improper temperatures in the steam well. The person in charge voluntarily discarded the fish for safety. The hot dogs were placed in the steam and were reheated to 183 degrees F.
      • Improper cooling methods to cool cooked TCS foods observed. The facility was cooling scrambled eggs, sausage patties and pureed sausage on the countertop in the kitchen. The person in charge reported temperatures are not monitored during cooling. Discussed cooling the foods in small portions in shallow containers and using ice baths to adequately cool foods within the time and temperature requirements. Provided cooling handout to the operator.
      • The person in charge provided a digital, thin probed thermometer which was not operational. Instructed the person in charge to provide a working food thermometer.
      • Observed presence of live flying insects in the kitchen and live and dead crawling insects on the dishwasher. The person in charge reported pest control has been contacted.
      • Observed 3-4 dented cans stored on the can rack in the dry storage area. Discussed segregation of cans to prevent use by staff.
      • Observed the following in poor repair: Cracked/damaged blender, various dispensing utensils with melted food contact surfaces or handles, rusted bottom shelf on dessert prep table and ice build up inside the 6 door reach in freezer.
      • Observed the hand sink near the dishwasher area and the dishwasher drainboards are not sealed to the adjacent wall.
      • The person in charge could not provide an irreversible registering temperature indicator to monitor sanitization of the high temperature dishwasher.
      • Observed absence of alarm to warn of low or absent detergent. An alarm is connected to the rinse aid only.
      • Observed accumulation of debris on the following nonfood contact surfaces: Exterior of cooking equipment, interior doors of convection oven, upsplash coffee brewer, knife rack, dishwasher curtains, encrusted debris on bottom of baking sheets and dust build up on the portable A/C unit.
      • Observed the ceiling tiles and air vents throughout the facility and air curtain by the back door are in need of cleaning.
      • Observed the caulking along the bottom of the wall/floor juncture is not easily cleanable and observed accumulation of black build up. Recommend installing adequate coving.
  • Dragon Inn, 3567 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 15
      • Facility did not have written procedures for the clean up of a bodily fluid event. Facility provided with clean-up procedures during inspection.
      • Observed 3 dented cans stored on shelving in dry storage area of food facility. Cans were separated to be discarded.
      • Spice shakers at cook line observed with an accumulation of residue on top dispensing area.
      • Observed wontons and marinated sliced cabbage stored in reach-in cooler at front prep line holding at 58F, rather than 41F or below as required. Food was pulled from walk-in refrigerator and put into reach-in cooler at 12pm, food temperature was observed at 1:45pm. Food was relocated to walk-in refrigerator to cool.
      • Observed chicken stored at ambient temperature (observed at 64F), on prep table. Food was pulled from walk-in refrigerator at 12pm, temperature observed at 1:40pm. Informed owner to mark food container with time-only documentation. Person in Charge marked the time the food was pulled from refrigeration and the time the food must be used or discarded. Person in Charge was provided time-only written procedures during inspection.
      • Observed container with chemicals (chlorine) without a label indicating the common name of the chemicals. Person in Charge labeled the container during the inspection.
      • Observed 4 large containers of food without labeling indicating the common name of the food items in the containers.
      • Observed mouse feces on floor in dry storage area of food facility. Person in Charge stated they have a Pest Control inspection conducted monthly.
      • Observed plates stored above cook line not covered or inverted. Food employee turned plates over during inspection to prevent contamination.
      • Observed washed and cut broccoli stored in cardboard boxes in walk-in refrigerator. Person in Charge was informed to was vegetables and place in cleanable container.
      • Observed shelving in walk-in refrigerator made of raw unfinished wood, not a smooth and easily cleanable surface.
      • Observed reach-in cooler holding at 60F and not working properly to ensure temperature control for safety (TCS) food is held at 41F. Person in Charge removed TCS food and was informed not to use equipment until it is capable of holding food at 41F. Observed large food containers near warewash area of food facility storing food items with broken/cracked lids.
      • The following non-food contact surfaces were observed to be soiled and are in need of cleaning: 1. Stove area; 2. Top back of prep unit; 3. Walk-in refrigerator shelving, ceiling, and compressor.
      • Observed light bulbs above front prep area not shielded.
      • Light intensity at stove area observed at 15 foot candles, rather than 50 foot candles. Light intensity near reach-in cooler at front prep area observed at 10 foot candles rather than 20 foot candles.
  • Red Lobster #0572, 3109 Spotsylvania Mall Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 10
      • No handwashing sign at bar hand sink. During inspection, a handwashing sign was posted at hand sink. (Corrected)
      • Observed one 50lb bag of adhesion breader, one 50lb bag of seasoned breader, and one large bag of panko being stored open in the dry food storage area. During inspection, two food employees covered the food. (Corrected)
      • Observed two spray bottles containing sanitizer that were not labeled in the bar area. During the inspection, the person in charge labeled the spray bottles. (Corrected)
      • Observed several flying insects in the bar area.
      • No temperature measuring device for high temp dishwasher.
      • The following are in need of repair: 1. The prep sink pipe draining into the floor drain needs to be realigned so that it drains into the floor drain. 2. The handwashing sink next to the dishwasher is leaking.
      • The employee restroom door is not self-closing.
      • The following are in need of repair: 1. The water leak coming from the ceiling between the counter and prep table in the prep area of the kitchen. During the inspection, the food employee blocked the area to prevent possible contamination. 2. Several areas throughout the kitchen and in front of the bar where the floor tiles need re-grouting.
      • Observed the floor under the fryers heavily soiled.
      • The light intensity at the handwashing sink in the front beverage area is at 2.0 foot candles.
  • Parkside Elementary School, 5620 Smith Station Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 1
      • Dish machine hot water surface temperature observed on temperature plate at 143F, rather than 160F as required. Person in Charge stated their temperature plate read 165F prior to use today. The Person in Charge stated they will use the 3-compartment sink to sanitize food equipment until the dish machine is working properly.
  • Lafayette Upper Elementary School, 3 Learning Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 1
      • Observed 2 gloved food employees wearing a watch and bracelets while organizing plastic forks in blue bins. During inspection, the food employees removed jewelry. (Corrected)
  • Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, 3722 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 6
    • Total violations: 10
      • Absence of active managerial control observed during the inspection. The person in charge is not monitoring temperatures of TCS foods during cold holding, absence of following HACCP plan and log for cooling of TCS foods during cook-chill processes, and cooling processes are not being monitored for cook-chill ROP foods. Reviewed HACCP plan and log with the operator to discuss requirements.
      • The person in charge provided documentation of employee training but could not provide a copy of the employee health policy or content employees are trained on to ensure they are compliance with the Virginia Department of Health employee health requirements. Food employees were knowledgably of symptoms and illnesses requiring reporting. Provided sample employee health policy to the person in charge.
      • Observed mashed potatoes prepared in a cook-chill reduced oxygen process (ROP) process inadequately cooled to 70 degrees F with in 2 hours. The last mashed potato portion was bagged at 12:50 p.m. and documented at 139 degrees F. The following cooling temperatures were observed for cook-chill bags at 3:00 p.m. : 76, 79, 73, 87, 75, 80, 74, and 80 degrees F. Also observed a significant portion of ice melted in the top of the container used to cool the cook-chill bags. Discussed monitoring temperatures during the cooling process and massaging the bags at regular intervals to achieve adequate cooling.
      • Observed the following TCS foods cold holding at improper temperatures on the top of the cold well at the fryer station: Buttermilk (52 degrees F), raw chicken (44 degrees F) and raw fish (43 degrees F). The person in charge reported the TCS foods have been in the unit since 12:00 p.m. and were observed after 3:00 p.m. Observed gaps between pans in the cold well which could affect the cold holding capacity. The person in charge discarded the TCS foods during the inspection.
      • Observed the food establishment is not monitoring the temperatures of TCS foods prepared in a cook-chill ROP process per the HACCP plan and completing the logs as required to ensure adequate cooling is achieved. The facility is not complying with the approved HACCP plan as submitted. Logs for 10/6/2022, 10/5/2022, 10/3/2022 and 9/1/2022 were reviewed during the inspection. The correct violation code for this observation is 12VAC5-421-3595 which was not available as a violation in the database.
      • Observed food employees are not monitoring temperatures of mashed potatoes which are being cooled via a cook-chill process. Also observed a significant portion of ice melted at the top of the container being used to cool the bags.
      • Observed employees without proper hair restraints.
      • Observed the ice cream scoop being stored in the dipper well with the water turned off. The dipper well water was turned on during the inspection.
      • Observed the pre-wash spray nozzle at the 3 compartment sink sitting below the flood rim of the wash basin. During the inspection the nozzle was removed and secured to the hose reel.
      • Observed a long hose connected to a spray nozzle attached to the 3 compartment sink faucet in absence of a backflow preventer. The water was flowing through the hose. The hose was disconnected during the inspection.
  • Paragon Village 12, 51 Towne Centre Blvd Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 7
    • Total violations: 1
      • The floor under the concession stands was observed heavily encrusted with food debris.
  • Dunkin Donuts, 2229 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 7
    • Total violations: 2
      • The exterior back door is not self closing.
      • The light intensity over the back room handwashing sink is 2.0 foot candles.
  • Joe’s Crab Shack, 2805 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 14
      • The food establishment does not have at least one employee in a management or supervisory position who is a certified food protection manager.
      • The person in charge could not provide written procedures for clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events.
      • The person in charge could not provide documentation of parasite destruction for salmon which may be cooked to order upon a customer’s request. The salmon packaging does indicate the fish is fed pelleted feed free of parasites. Instructed the person in charge to serve the salmon fully cooked until parasite destruction documentation is obtained.
      • Observed the following equipment soiled to the sight: Stack of ceramic bowls, one stainless steel food container, two knives on the knife rack and a vegetable dicer which is used on TCS and Non-TCS vegetables.
      • Observed the following TCS foods cold holding at improper temperatures: 1- Batter for raw fish prepared from TCS ingredients (50, 45 degrees F), Prep cooler #1- In house prepared ranch dressing (49 degrees F), cole slaw (53 degrees F), shrimp fire balls (50 degrees F). The person in charge reported the TCS foods have been in the unit since 10:00 a.m. and were voluntarily discarded for safety. Discussed contacting technician for repair/service and using ice in food grade bags and monitoring temperatures of TCS foods during peak service times.
      • Observed the consumer advisory disclosure requires revision to identify salmon, hamburgers and steaks may be cooked raw and/or undercooked per a customer’s order or request.
      • Observed Hot Shot pest control pesticide strips inside the food establishment which emits a pesticide.
      • Observed bulk containers of two different breading mixtures were not labeled to identify the contents.
      • Observed employees without proper beard and hair restraints.
      • Observed the following equipment in poor repair: Leak at front ice bin, water at base of prep cooler #1, cracked plastic containers and rusted cast iron pans.
      • Observed rolls and granulated sugar stored in plastic shopping bags which are not food grade or safe. During the inspection the person in charge discarded the food for safety. Discussed use of food grade bags during the inspection.
      • Observed the dishwasher drainboard and 3 compartment sink are not sealed to the adjacent walls.
      • Observed accumulation of debris on the following nonfood contact surfaces: Gaskets of coolers, interior of convection oven, shelf under flattop grill, interior of salamander, shelfing at serving area and sticker debris on the exterior of food containers.
      • Observed the following in poor repair: Floor tiles grout has become eroded, ceiling tile frames are not secured by the dishwasher and rusted ceiling tiles frames.
  • Red Robin Americas Gourmet Burgers and Spirits, 10109 Jefferson Davis Hwy Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 8
      • Observed plates stored on shelves under prep units with an accumulation of debris and residue and are in need of cleaning. Person in Charge brought soiled dishes to warewash area to be cleaned and sanitized. Observed an accumulation of residue on milkshake machine food contact surfaces in bar area of food facility. Equipment cleaned and sanitized during inspection.
      • Observed sanitizer buckets stored on floor throughout kitchen area of food facility.
      • Observed several sheet trays stored on floor under dish machine in warewash area of food facility.
      • Observed clean food equipment in warewashing area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting).
      • Warewash machine data plate is not easily readable.
      • Observed an accumulation of litter around exterior dumpster area.
      • Observed exterior dumpster lid not closing properly.
      • Observed cracked portions of cement slab under exterior dumpster, not a smooth surface.
  • Massaponax High School, 8201 Jefferson Davis Highway Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 4
      • Person in charge was unable to provide a thermometer for the high temperature sanitizing dish machine.
      • Observed the following areas are in need of cleaning: 1. ac vents throughout the kitchen 2. fan inside the 3 door reach in cooler 3. floor drains 4. walls of the dishroom.
      • Observed the following in need of repair: 1. One light out in the dry storage room 2. One light out under the front hood vent 3. One ceiling panel loose in the dishroom
      • Observed inadequate lighting of 4.5 foot candles in the dry storage room.
  • Taco Bell #1879, 543 Jefferson Davis Highway Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 4
      • Observed the following areas are in need of cleaning: 1. Caulking of the 3 compartment sink, clean or replace. 2. Walls around 3 compartment sink and walls of the kitchen behind equipment and surrounding hand wash sinks. 3. Floor drains in the kitchen.
      • Observed the following non food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: 1.metal racks of the dry storage area and racks above the 3 compartment sink holding clean equipment are soiled to the sight and touch. 3. Lids and outside surfaces of the white dry storage bins.
      • Observed the following non food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: 1.metal racks of the dry storage area and racks above the 3 compartment sink holding clean equipment are soiled to the sight and touch. 3. Lids and outside surfaces of the white dry storage bins.
      • Observed the the handwash signs of the men and womens bathroom are missing.
  • Benny Vitali’s, 722 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 4
      • No handwashing sign in restroom. During inspection, the PIC installed a handwashing sign. (Corrected)
      • The sanitizer at the 3 compartment sink is not being pulled through the tubing. During the inspection, the PIC manually set up the sanitizer in the 3 compartment sink. (Corrected)
      • Observed several flying insects next to the water heater.
      • Observed 3 chipped rubber spatulas at the 3 compartment sink. During inspection, the PIC discarded the spatulas. (Corrected)
  • Curry & Kabob House – Indian Cuisine, 137 Spotsylvania Mall Dr Unit #8008 Fredericksburg, VA 22407
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 2
      • Observed 8 mango lassi beverages (48 F – 50 F) in the reach in cooler at improper temperatures. The PIC stated the beverages were made on 10/07/2022. During the inspection, the beverages were removed (will not be sold). (Corrected)
      • Observed the sugar being stored a purple non food contact bin in the dry food storage area. During the inspection, the sugar was removed. (Corrected)
  • Hughes Home For Adults, 100 Caroline St Fredericksburg, VA 22401
    • Date inspected: Oct. 11
    • Total violations: 8
      • Observed a food employee touch their mask with their bare hands and then proceed to don disposable gloves to engage in food preparation tasks. Instructed the food employee to wash their hands.
      • Observed a food employee touch their mask with their bare hands and then proceed to don disposable gloves to engage in food preparation tasks. Instructed the food employee to wash their hands.
      • Observed the plastic plate inside the ice machine soiled.
      • Observed in house prepared tuna salad was prepared on 10/3/2022 and should have been discarded on 10/9/2022. During the inspection the person in charge voluntarily discarded the tuna salad.
      • Observed interior of blender and blade of the food processor wet and a stack of stainless steel food containers wet after chemical sanitizing. The blender was removed from the holder and inverted and the blade was removed to facilitate air drying.
      • Observed the following in poor repair: Rusted utensil drawer, cracked utensils and plastic lids and crack on the base of the 1 door upright freezer #2.
      • Observed the low temperature dishwasher wash and rinse cycle is only reaching 100 degrees F after 3-4 cycles. Observed the dishwasher sanitizing at 50 ppm. The wash and rinse temperatures are not meeting the data plate specifications. Contact technician to evaluate the dishwasher.
      • Observed accumulation of debris on the following nonfood contact surfaces: Upsplash of juice machine, sides and underneath of countertop used to hold beverage equipment, date sticker residue on multiple plastic containers used for food storage.

The following facilities did not record any violations: