Finish of world = excellent news for termites? – Chico Enterprise-File


Are you afraid of Armageddon? It is an ugly side effect to believe that global warming is “soon” and that “we are doomed!” Nine years … that’s what Joe said … that’s all the time we have! The scary thing is that Joe said that about a year ago. Eight then … too late after that!

On the positive side, if your home is good enough to last nine … eight years, you don’t have to kill termites. And … why die with money? Buy a new car … sell the farm … roam the country in a new RV!

No matter how safe you and Joe are, please don’t paint a sign saying “THE END IS NEAR”. Try something fresher … one that says, “Joe says we have 9 … 8 years until it’s too late” (with a red line through the 9).

I am sorry this letter is not very uplifting, but reading a book by an Obama administration scientist could do your heart good. This scientist seems to get to the point. Yes, he says, global warming is real … yes, the planet is warming … oceans are rising. .. CO2 just keeps getting worse … it’s all true.

The book title is: “Unsettled?” By Steven E. Koonin. The reason it can end your Armageddon fear is that it gives you a much longer and more accurate timeline … and it saves you from painting silly signs.

On the darker side, Joe will have to guess again and you’ll feel compelled to kill termites again.

– Ron Imhoff, Chico