Early Indicators of Bedbugs, and The way to Get Rid of Bedbugs Quick

Early Signs of Bedbugs, and How to Get Rid of Bedbugs Fast

Most people aren’t exactly thrilled by the presence of any type of bedbug—but the very idea of ​​bedbugs in particular can trigger a uniquely acute panic. Bed bug infestations have temporarily closed clothing stores and movie theaters, prompting more than a few homeowners to seek professional treatment to remove the pests.

One could argue that the bugs do more emotional damage than physical damage. The bites can aggravate, but they don’t appear to transmit any disease. Still, they lurk in the most sacred spaces of our homes—our bedrooms—and show their presence through those irritating bites. Additionally, once inside, they’re notoriously difficult to get rid of. A small study found that people who have had bed bugs can develop symptoms of emotional trauma similar to PTSD.

But while these bugs can strike fear into the hearts of many, many people have no idea what bed bugs look like — or how to keep them away or get rid of them once they arrive. Here’s how to identify and treat bed bugs so you can stay comfortable at home.

What are bed bugs?

Bedbugs are insects that feed on the blood of humans and other animals, says Changlu Wang, PhD, an entomologist at Rutgers University. There are actually two types of bugs, says Dr. Wang: the common bug found in temperate regions and the tropical bug found in the subtropical and tropical regions.

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs have small, flat, oval bodies and are wingless, says Ben Hottel, director of technical services at Orkin, a pest control company. “Adults have the remnants of wings called wing pads, but they don’t fully develop into functional wings,” he says. (So ​​if you see a suspicious bug but are reassured that it can’t be a bed bug because it has wings, don’t write it off just yet.)

Adult bed bugs are also reddish-brown in color, while young bed bugs are brown in color, Hottel says. “Adult bed bugs are relatively slow moving and about ¼ inch long,” he adds.

Bed bugs typically live “in close proximity to their meal or host,” says Timothy Best, a board-certified entomologist at Terminix. “Most of the time, this means bed bugs reside in areas where we sleep and rest, like beds, recliners, or sofas,” he adds. Again, they eat our blood – so if you’re camping near places where we’re settled for long periods of time, you can make sure they always have a snack.

What causes bed bugs?

Bed bugs show up in your house because they want to make a meal out of you. “Bugs are thought to have inhabited burrows and fed on bats until humans started using the burrows for shelter,” Best says. “Over time, through different evolutionary mechanisms, they fed primarily on humans and not other mammals.” .”

Bed bugs are “expert hitchhikers” and typically move from place to place as people travel, says Eric Braun, a board-certified entomologist at Ehrlich Pest Control. “Slender, flat bodies allow them to fit into the smallest of spaces and stay there for a long time,” he says. “This allows them to stay hidden in the seams and folds of luggage, holdalls, folded clothing, bedding, furniture, and anywhere else they find an opportunity.”

Signs of bed bugs

There are several ways to spot bed bugs. “One of the most common indicators of a bed bug infestation is the telltale bite marks on the face, neck, arms, hands, or other body parts that are revealed while you sleep,” says Braun. But, he adds, people react to bugs differently; Some people may not develop any reaction for up to 14 days after their first encounter with a bug, while others may not react at all.

Because of this, Braun says it’s important to look out for these other clues that bed bugs may be lurking nearby:

  • The bugs’ exoskeletons, or “shed skins,” which remain after they molt (i.e., shed their skin)
  • Live or dead bugs in the folds of mattresses, around box spring beds, and in cracks or crevices where someone sleeps
  • Black patches of feces that look like a surface has been touched with a black marker, or small, black, raised bumps on a hard surface
  • Bug eggs that are pearly white and look like a tiny grain of rice

How to get rid of bed bugs

Physically removing the bed bugs is the best way, says Best. “By that, I mean using a vacuum to physically remove the bugs,” he says. “Vacuuming is an often underutilized technique, but the vacuum is the first tool I would reach for. By physically removing bed bugs first, you reduce the population and limit the amount of pesticide needed.”

dr Wang says other tricks that can help include:

  • Wash your sheets and pillowcases in hot water
  • Enveloping your mattress and box spring beds
  • Application of steam on your bed, sofa and other places where you rest and sleep
  • Reduce clutter around your bed and sofa where bugs can lurk

However, if you want the best chance of getting rid of your bug problem as soon as possible, you should consult the professionals. “Due to their hiding-in-crevices behavior, and because some bed bug populations have developed resistance to some pesticides, it’s best to leave treatment to a pest control professional,” says Hottel.

How to prevent bed bugs

Hottel recommends taking the following steps to reduce the risk of bringing bed bugs into your home:

  • Closely inspect used furniture for bed bugs before bringing them home
  • Do not bring discarded furniture into your home
  • After staying in hotels, store your luggage in the garage or other area away from the bedroom
  • If you’ve been exposed to bugs, you can kill any bugs that may be on your clothes by drying them on high heat or by having your clothes dry cleaned

“Put simply, find them before they find you,” says Best. “Avoiding contact or environments with bed bugs means you won’t bring them back to your home in the first place.”