Centipede Takes Lengthy Getting the Cake for the Insect Occasion


A millipede, an ant and a spider got bored and decided to organize a party. The trio came together and gathered all the necessary props to make the party great.

However, when they finished putting up the decorations and shiny things, the spider remembered that they still needed a cake for the insect party. He sighed in frustration.

Photo: AmoMama

The bakery was several blocks away and they wanted to make sure the cake got to the party location before the guests arrived. They brooded among themselves and decided that the centipede should go.

They all agreed that because he had many legs, he would be able to get the cake and walk back faster. So the centipede wasted no more time and went down to the bakery.

After 30 minutes, the spider and ant were surprised that the millipede was not back. They decided to be patient and wait longer. Thirty minutes passed, however.

The centipede still hasn't returned from the bakery with the cake.  |  Photo: Shutterstock

The centipede still hasn’t returned from the bakery with the cake. | Photo: Shutterstock

This worried them, but they continued with the day’s activities. They put other delicacies on the table when the guests arrived. The spider and ant were disappointed as the time went on.

After two hours, however, the millipede finally arrived with the cake. They were quite angry when they asked him why he was late. The centipede replied:

“There was a sign on the door that said,” Please wipe your feet before you enter. “


An ant and an elephant got into an argument, and after a while it got so hot that the elephant got angry and said it was going to trample the ant.

At this utterance, the ant was alerted and quickly climbed away. However, the elephant wasn’t far away when it chased the ant. The tiny insect increased its pace and soon lost the elephant.

As he crossed a sharp bend, he ran into a rabbit on the way and asked him to hide it in his fur. The ant pleaded that he didn’t want the elephant to hurt him.

The rabbit quickly told him to get in and hide well. However, when the rabbit saw that the ant’s leg was out, it said, “You’d better put that leg in your pocket. Maybe he’ll discover you and then we’ll both toast! “

The ant replied, “Nah, man, I’ll just trip him!”

If you liked these jokes, you might find this one even funnier. It’s about a group of tourists who have traveled to Africa to go on a safari. However, their tour guide gave them a warning they couldn’t believe.

Sources: reddit.com, upjoke.com