Philly nonetheless No. 3 ‘Mattress Bug Metropolis’ in U.S.: Orkin

Philly still No. 3 ‘Bed Bug City’ in U.S.: Orkin

Philadelphia moved up Orkin’s “Rattiest Cities” list last year.

Now the city has also maintained its third spot on the company’s “Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List.”

  • LISTEN: Pa. City No. 2 with most rats in the United States: US Census

Orkin unveiled the cities that made the list via press release on Tuesday, at a time when she thinks most Americans are beginning to plan their vacation for the year. To keep travelers informed, Orkin has compiled major city bed bug treatment data between December 1, 2021 and November 30, 2022 to see which cities had the most residential and commercial treatments.

“As Americans begin booking hotels for 2023 and beyond, it’s critical for travelers to know how to spot bed bugs in hotel rooms (and beyond) and search for them thoroughly while being mindful of the.” Not bringing pests into their own four walls.”

People traveling to New York and Chicago should be just as cautious as they were to Philadelphia, as the cities maintained their respective second and first places.

Rounding out the top five were Los Angeles in fifth place – up seven spots since the last list was published – and Cleveland-Akron, Ohio in fourth place.

While many travelers believe bed bugs in hotel rooms are more of a location issue, Orkin notes that the insect “can travel from place to place with ease, clinging to items such as luggage, purses, and other personal belongings.”

“Bed bugs are extremely resilient, which makes them difficult to control,” says Orkin entomologist Ben Hottel. “As people begin to bulk up their travel plans this year, it’s important they know how to protect themselves through pest detection and appropriate control.”