Bed Bug Awareness Week, June 6-12 this year, is the time for pest control professionals to educate their customers about bed bug infestations.
The annual awareness campaign is sponsored by the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA), which is the public relations work of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).
During the week-long campaign, the PPMA will use various media and social media tactics to educate the public about the signs of a bed bug infestation and the importance of working with a licensed PMP.
“While many Americans are choosing to vacation within driving distance of their homes this year, the risk of bed bug encounters remains high, if not higher,” PPMA executive director Cindy Mannes said in a message Publication. “Bed bugs can survive for several months without a blood meal and could be hungry if they survived unnoticed after reduced travel amid the pandemic. So it is imperative for the industry to ensure Americans understand that bed bug infestations should be treated by a professional.”
PPMA encourages PMPs and industry members to join the game by launching media campaigns, including making their company’s social media pages available for bed bugs during the week and using the hashtag #BedBugWeek on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
“Bed bugs are not DIY pests, so it’s important for pest control companies to work with us to raise awareness,” said Mannes.
The toolkit is available for download from PPMAMainframe.org, an exclusive digital marketing hub that contains hundreds of custom, professionally designed marketing materials and resources that pest control companies can use to promote their business. The Bed Bug Awareness Week kit includes a customizable press release, featured social media content, Bed Bug Awareness Week logos, high-resolution photography, media training documents, and a list of video content that can be embedded directly into a company’s website.
Let us know what you’re doing for #BedBugWeek on social media or send an email to pmpeditor@northcoastmedia.net.