Explainer: Bugs, arachnids and different arthropods


Arachnid: A group of invertebrates that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks. Many have silk or poison glands.

arthropod: Any of the numerous invertebrates of the Arthropoda tribe, including insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods, characterized by an exoskeleton made of a hard material called chitin and a segmented body to which paired limbs are attached.

Beetle: An order of insects known as Coleoptera that contains at least 350,000 different species. Adults tend to have hard and / or horn-like “fore wings” that cover the wings used for flight.

error: The slang term for an insect. Sometimes it is even used to refer to a germ. (in arithmetic) Slang term for an error in computer code, the instructions that control the operation of a computer.

centipede: A genus or predatory arthropod with mandibles that act as fangs. They have many legs (hence their nickname Hundertbeiner). They also have a pair of venomous, fang-like legs.

Chelicera: A pair of arachnid mouthpieces that usually contain claws or fangs. Spiders often use them to catch prey, sometimes to make noise, and in webbuilders to cut silk filaments. Animals that house these are known as chelicerates.

Copepod: A type of small crustacean found in salt and fresh water. Some types of them are plankton that swims with the currents. Others spend time on the ocean floor. These animals are not limited to oceans; Copepods are also found in fresh water, from ponds to puddles. They are often used as food for larger species, and most of them eat phytoplankton – single-celled organisms that get their energy from the sun.

DNA: (short for deoxyribonucleic acid) A long, double-stranded, spiral-shaped molecule found in most living cells that contains genetic instructions. It is based on a backbone of phosphorus, oxygen and carbon atoms. In all living things, from plants and animals to microbes, these instructions tell cells which molecules to make.

Ecosystem: A group of interacting living organisms – including microorganisms, plants, and animals – and their physical environment in a given climate. Examples are tropical reefs, rainforests, alpine meadows and polar tundra. The term can also be applied to elements that make up an artificial environment, e.g. B. a company, a classroom or the Internet.

entomologist: A biologist who specializes in studying insects. A paleoentomologist studies ancient insects mainly by their fossils.

Surroundings: The sum of all things that exist around an organism or process and the state that these things create. Environment can relate to the weather and ecosystem an animal lives in, or possibly the temperature and humidity (or even the placement of things near an object of interest).

develop: (Adj. Evolved) To gradually change over generations or over a long period of time. In living organisms, such development usually involves random changes in genes that are then passed on to an individual’s offspring. These can lead to new features such as: B. a changed color, a new susceptibility to disease or protection against it or differently shaped features (such as legs, antennae, toes or internal organs). Inlive things can also be described as developing as they change over time. For example, the miniaturization of computers is sometimes described in terms of these devices becoming smaller, more complex devices.

Exoskeleton: A hard, protective outer body covering of many animals that lack a real skeleton, such as B. an insect, a crustacean or a mollusc. The exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans are largely made up of chitin.

Herbivores: A creature that eats plants either exclusively or primarily.

Krill: Tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that live in the ocean and are the main food source of some whales.

literally: A term that the sentence he am changing is exactly true. To say, “It’s so cold I’m literally dying” means that this person actually expects to be dead soon, which is because they get too cold.

Mandibles: (in mammals) The jaw or jawbone. (for insects) mouthpieces for biting.

microscopic: An adjective for things too small to be seen with the naked eye. A microscope is required to look at objects as small as bacteria or other unicellular organisms.

Millipede: Long-bodied herbivorous arthropods with many segments. Most body segments have two pairs of legs. Her nickname: Thousand Legs.

nectar: A sugary liquid secreted by plants, especially flowers. It promotes pollination by insects and other animals. It is collected by bees to make honey.

Paleobiologist: A scientist who studies organisms that lived in ancient times – particularly geologically ancient periods like the dinosaur era.

plankton: A small organism that drifts or swims in the sea. Plankton range from microscopic sizes to organisms the size of a flea, depending on the species. Some are tiny animals. Others are plant-like organisms. Although individual planktons are very small, they form massive colonies that number billions. The largest animal in the world, the blue whale, lives on plankton.

Predator: (Adjective: predatory) A creature that hunts other animals for most or all of their food.

prey: (n.) Species that are eaten by others. (v.) Attack and eat another species.

Solifugation: An order of arachnids that encompasses a diverse group of arachnid animals that tend to inhabit arid countries around the world.

species: A group of similar organisms that can produce offspring that can survive and reproduce.

spider: A type of arthropod with four pairs of legs that usually spin silk threads that can be used to create webs or other structures.

thorax: The middle part of an insect’s body. It has legs and wings between its head and stomach.

tissue: It is made up of cells and is one of the different types of materials that animals, plants or fungi are made of. Cells within a tissue work as a unit to perform a specific function in living organisms. For example, different organs in the human body are often made from many different types of tissue.

feature: A characteristic of something. (in genetics) A quality or trait that can be inherited.

Wood: A porous and fibrous structural fabric found in the stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants.