Donations sought to save lots of 1920s clubhouse in Sarasota from termites


A clubhouse in Sarasota, part of the Maine Colony’s nationally registered historic district, built in the 1920s, is being destroyed by termites, and the Phillippi Crest Community Club is raising funds to help eradicate the pests.

The Phillippi Crest Community Clubhouse at 2421 Burlington Lane was built with timber imported from Maine and paid for with funds raised through eating beans. It has been a hub of social gatherings for generations.

A new video, available on the club’s updated website, reveals intense memories for adults who grew up in the area and for a new generation of children who long for clubhouse gatherings.

Board member Joel Palombo initiated efforts to raise funds to treat the building for termites after years of volunteers cleared up termite wings and dust before each event. Tom Hicks, the club’s vice president, has led the working days to fix roof leaks and improve the building and grounds. However, the integrity of the building is threatened by termite damage.

“We introduced this building to a larger community when we were working to preserve it,” said PCC President Susan Hicks. “Although our small group of volunteers has grown, the support of people who believe that preserving local history is important would be very helpful in saving the structure. “

Hicks said the building would benefit from a new roof as well. If more money is raised than is needed for termite treatment, additional funds would be used for roof replacement.

To learn more, watch the video or make a donation, visit, or call 941-925-3602.

Submitted by Susan Hicks