DOH: Showers, gardening are protected with contaminated wells | Native


Showers and gardening are safe, and using well water to make ice cream is a “minimal risk” according to the Ministry of Health. Rinsing vegetables and other foods is also safe as long as they are then dried.

In August, the state passed the first national limit for 1,4-dioxane in drinking water.

PFOA is found in Teflon, which is used in non-stick pans, although most manufacturers are phasing it out. 1,4-Dioxane is used as a stabilizer for chlorinated solvents and has been found in foam baths, shampoos, laundry detergents, and similar cleaning products that require foam.

City overseer John Strough has refused to comment on the situation after telling a city government meeting Monday that landfills other than the city’s could be to blame.

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The neighborhood is in the parish of Tony Metivier. He lives nearby, although his well is not affected.

He advocates the residents’ request to have every well in the neighborhood checked.

“I think it’s very reasonable,” he said. “You don’t talk about a lot of people.”

The state should check all wells near Jenkinsville Road, Mud Pond Road, Azure Drive, and Rainbow Trail, he said.

Once the levels of contamination are known, the city government can develop plans to provide clean water to affected residents, he said.