College of Illinois Extension gives lessons on timber, cash, gardening | House & Backyard


• February 9th, 6pm, garden preparation and maintenance

• February 16, 6 p.m., cool season vegetables

• February 23, 6 pm, warm vegetables

• March 2nd, 6 pm, diseases and disorders

• March 9th, 6pm, attracting pollinators and pest control

• A free eight-week online webinar series entitled “Let’s Talk Money” begins February 2nd and is designed to help people better understand fundamental financial topics and improve their financial situation.

To register, go to for one or more sessions that take place on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Weekly topics are:

• February 2nd: Who are you with money? In this interactive workshop, evaluate who you are with money and where you want to be in the future.

• February 9, how much is too much debt

• February 16, Fair Access to Credit

• February 23, Debt Repayment Strategies

• March 2nd, credit scores revealed

• March 9th, Secrets to Financial Success

• March 16, prejudice, overcoming hurdles