Baton Rouge lady accused of leaving aged mom coated in feces, mattress bugs and roaches

Baton Rouge woman accused of leaving elderly mother covered in feces, bed bugs and roaches

BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) – A Baton Rouge woman was arrested Thursday for a felony after leaving her mother in what police are describing as an abusive situation.

Sheila Doty, 56, of Baton Rouge, was charged with cruelty to the sick after an elder welfare investigator found a 74-year-old woman who couldn’t walk and was in bed with only a full diaper on, according to the affidavit Sept. 23 2022 cockroaches and bed bugs covered her body.

The victim was unable to speak coherently with the investigator and had been “in this condition for several days,” according to the affidavit. Doty wasn’t in the house when the investigator was there.

The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office was then notified by the investigator. EMS and the Baton Rouge Fire Department were able to get the victim out of the home using protective gear. The victim was taken to a local hospital and placed under government care.

The investigator also reported the incident to Baton Rouge Police.

Doty was arrested on Thursday, January 12 and charged with cruelty to the sick. Doty was subsequently released from prison on $2,500 bail.