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Leigh Rovegno, General Manager of the Audubon Community Nature Center, will present the penultimate class in her virtual series “Starting a successful home garden” on Tuesday, May 25th.

During this gardening season, there are two options left to participate in the virtual series by the Executive Director of the Audubon Community Nature Center, Leigh Rovegno. “Start a successful home garden.”

The presentation on Tuesday, May 25th, from 7pm to 8pm, will focus on gardening tips and tricks.

The courses are aimed at beginners and advanced learners, including children ages 9 and up, who are interested in maintaining their green fingers. Each class has different topics and you are welcome to attend even if this is your first time.

Before Rovegno came to Audubon, he worked on various organic farms in New Hampshire, Italy and Colorado. She shares her tips and tricks on what supplies are available, what favorite types of seeds they have and how to get the most out of the available garden space.

With a limit of 15 participants, the sessions provide an opportunity to learn gardening from a professional. At the end of the course, participants will be able to ask questions, interact and receive detailed notes to ensure the success of a garden.

Fee is $ 8 or $ 6 for Nature Center members and children ages 9-15. Paid reservations for the class are required by Monday, May 24th “Upcoming Programs.”

Internet access and prior download of the Zoom app are required to participate in this virtual program. To download Zoom, go to The link to the zoom program is included in the receipt after registration.

The Audubon Community Nature Center is located at 1600 Riverside Road, a quarter mile east of Route 62 between Jamestown and Warren. While performing safe social distancing activities, visit six miles of hiking trails on the 600-acre nature reserve daily from morning to evening.

The nature center building includes the Blue Heron Gift Shop, live animals and the 2020 nature photography competition winning photos. Visitors are welcome Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Entry is only possible against a donation.

To learn more about Audubon and its programs, call 569-2345, visit, or find the Audubon Community Nature Center on Facebook.

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