Afraid Of Rodents And Bugs? 2021 Could Not Be Your Yr


READ, Pa., January 4, 2021 / PRNewswire / – As if 2020 weren’t enough challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 could be a banner year for pests across the country.

To prepare residents for 2021, entomologists from Rentokil, the world’s leading pest control provider, and its family of pest control providers used field knowledge and data to make their predictions for pests for the coming year.

  • Rodents, rodents everywhere:
    With shutdowns across the country, it’s no surprise that rodents are on the rise across the country. Empty buildings, food shortages and warmer winters have united in a rodent apocalypse.

    “We’re seeing more rats in urban, suburban and rural areas because of the shutdowns,” he said Marc Potzler, Board Certified Entomologist with Honest Pest Control. “Food sources are cut off and rats have to travel to forage. We have seen rats in public during the day, which is very unusual.

    “In the warmer winters, residential mouse populations have also boomed, as this allows for a longer breeding season and less population loss due to freezing.

    “Now is the perfect time to protect your home against rodents,” said Potzler. “Make sure you fix any gaps on the outside of your home, such as garage doors, windows, or pipes.”

  • Moving mosquitoes:
    Mosquito populations have increased in recent years. Aedes species, which are disease-causing mosquitoes, are also moving to new areas. These mosquitoes can transmit the West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and Zika Virus, among others.

    “There is an increase in mosquitoes across the country, especially on the west coast, and they adapt every year,” he said Eric Sebring, Associate Certified Entomologist at Western Exterminator. “We saw evidence of a behavioral adaptation in which mosquitoes strategically lay their eggs to hatch throughout the season.”

    Protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes by removing stagnant water on your property. Mosquitoes can breed in just a teaspoon of water. Also, wear an EPA-approved insect repellent when spending time outdoors.

  • Bed bugs:
    The chatter about bed bugs was quiet in 2020, but that’s not because they went away.

    “When people start traveling again, we’ll hear about bed bug infestations,” said Sebring. “Bed bugs can lie dormant for several months, so they can emerge when a food source, humans, becomes available.”

    Bed bugs are considered hitchhikers traveling from place to place on people, luggage, clothing and other personal effects. Homeowners and businesses like hotels, colleges, hospitals, retirement homes, retail stores, and libraries have problems with bed bugs.

    When traveling, check the bed by pulling back the sheets to examine the mattress. Before packing and unpacking your luggage, inspect your luggage and look for signs of living or dead insects the size of an apple seed or black droppings smears.

  • More time outdoors = more pests.
    From hiking to gardening to eating outdoors, there is no doubt that the pandemic has forced people to spend more time outdoors.

    In 2021, pest pressure will continue outdoors:

    Ticks: Ticks are responsible for transmitting various diseases, including Lyme disease, to humans and animals. These small insects are found in grassy areas and in the forest. Therefore, it is important to examine yourself and your pets after being outdoors. When outdoors, cover as much skin as possible, wear long pants, long sleeves, closed-toe shoes, and tuck pant legs in socks. Bright clothing also helps highlight ticks that you pick up.

    Ants: “As soon as the weather warms up, the ant populations will increase,” he said Tom Dobrinska, Board Certified Entomologist for Presto-X. “Most of the ants we encounter are fragrant house ants. When you spend time outdoors, you need to clean any food, water, or sugary substance and make sure your home is free of holes or cracks in them can penetrate. “

    Stinging insects: Stinging insects such as wasps and yellow jackets appear at the first sign of warm weather. As the seasons get longer for warm weather, stinging insects have more time to cause problems. Make sure you check for nests early in the spring as they are smaller and get nest treatment early. Make sure the windows and doors are closed, and secure the outside containers so stinging insects are not attracted to the contents.

  • Termites are not going anywhere
    Termites are a bothersome problem and sadly they don’t go anywhere. Termites can severely damage structures, especially houses. With people moving from cities to suburban areas during the pandemic, educating them about termite protection is crucial.

    “We received more termite calls in the past year than in many years,” said Potzler. “It is important to raise awareness among homeowners in order to have proactive protection that is safe from costly repairs in the future.”

  • Pest in the news:
    There are some pests that will continue to be in the spotlight in 2021.

    The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is an invasive pest that has been spread across the country since its introduction Asia In addition to its pungent smell, this stench has become a nuisance for homeowners as it collects in large numbers on the sides of houses and buildings and penetrates the house through small cracks. “The brown marbled stench is here to stay,” said Dobrinska. “We will continue to see this species appear in large numbers in late spring.”

    The spotted lantern fly will continue to wreak havoc in the northeast and beyond. The invasive pest, first found in Pennsylvania in 2014 spread to the northeast with new York reports its first sighting this year. The pest can seriously damage trees and plants.

    “The spotted lantern fly is becoming a major problem in the northeast and will continue to spread,” said Potzler. “It can be devastating to agriculture and a nuisance to homeowners.”

    The egg masses look like a patch of mud on trees and outside of houses. It’s important to scrape off the egg mass, put it in a bag of alcohol and throw it away, then call the Department of Agriculture.

    The infamous Murder Hornet, also known as the Asian Giant Hornet, hit the headlines and panicked homeowners trying to tell the difference between stinging insects in their yards and this aggressive species. The Asian giant hornet is the largest species of hornet in the world and grows up to 3 inches long. Currently, the Asian giant hornet has only been found in the Pacific Northwest.

    “We know a colony has been found and eliminated Washington“said Sebring.” Unfortunately, if there is one, there will be more. ”

    While your chances of being stung by an Asian giant hornet are relatively slim, the sting can be dangerous as the volume of venom is higher and causes more pain. The beehives are mainly built underground or in tree hollows. If you suspect it may be an Asian giant hornet or stinging pest, contact your pest control provider to assess the situation as soon as you detect activity.

    For nearly a century, customers have trusted Rentokil to protect their families, homes, and businesses from the pests and the health threats and harm they cause.

    Rentokil and its companies including Ehrlich Pest Control, Western Exterminator, and Presto-X Pest Control provide commercial and residential pest control to customers in the United States. Canada and Puerto Rico. The comprehensive pest control solutions include general pest control, mosquito, termite and bed bug inspection and service, vegetation management and bird management.

    Rentokil North America also operates corporate service providers such as Ambius, which specialize in hand, air and surface hygiene solutions with Hygiene360 as well as in the design and scented design of interiors. Steritech offers food safety and operational assessments; SOLitude Lake Management with lake and pond solutions; and Vector Disease Control International, which provides mosquito control services to governments and local authorities.